Book Reviews by Emma

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

In Cold Blood - Truman Capote

It's easy to see how Capote was sucked into the story of the murder of a family in rural Kansas. His telling of the story winds you in - he recreates the suspense of the investigators and the townspeople. You don't find out the details of the murder until they do, chronologically. An excellent read - ready for the movie!

Incidentally, I never realized he wrote Breakfast at Tiffany's until I read the back flap of the book.

In Progress:
Confederacy of Dunces -John Kennedy Toole
The Hotel New Hampshire -John Irving
Emma -Jane Austen
Four Past Midnight -Stephen King

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey

You can't help rooting for the underdog.